Friday, October 07, 2005

chugging along

not too much interesting going on. i ran tuesday nite in the relative warmth, then ran last nite in the coolness that is the fall. currently, it's only 61 degrees here, and it was probably about 45 when i ran last nite. the cool crisp air actually felt pretty good.
since my weekend will be unusually devoid of kids' activities, hopefully darrin and i can get in a long-ish run or bike on sunday. i haven't done a long bike ride in quite a while, and this may be one of the last weekends with good enough weather to do that.
i wanted to wish good luck to those racing late year events this weekend. wil and kahuna come to mind. also to shelley, who's in kona getting ready for her big day.
have a great weekend, everyone!


At 4:02 PM, Blogger Nancy Toby said...

Hopefully? Make it happen!! :-) You GO!!!

At 10:39 PM, Blogger Tracy said...

Thanks!!! You're always awesome. How you manage everything boggles my mind - our kids are still so little that we don't have to worry about soccer practice, dance class, and the like. Figure I'd better get my IM fare in now ;)

Hey - think you might be able to come out to WI as a spectator next year? VM is still buying dinner! And you're still part of team IMMOO, you know ;)


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