Friday, December 16, 2005


i've gotta be honest. my life is just nuts. there's just so much going on. it's been a while since i've updated, so i figured i'd catch up a bit. first off, the transplant has been postponed until january 24th. apparently, the hospital had problems assembling the required staff during the week between christmas and new year's. important note to self: don't get sick and need professional medical attention during holiday seasons!
i've been working out a fair bit. running mostly, but geez it's been cold lately. my weight is down, but not quite where i wanted to be at this point. i need to drop another 7-10lbs by the first week of january. i'll have to exhibit some serious self control during the christmas break. this has been particularly difficult here at work. it seems that every day someone else is hauling in the latest exhibitions of their baking prowess. the area outside my office is constanly filled with cookies and pastries of all sorts. fortunately, i'm taking vacation the week between christmas and new year's, so i'll get away from it for a while.
i was in detroit last week on business. i had never been there before. i didn't realize that it bordered canada... but it was pretty much like i expected - crowded and noisy. nothing really stuck out. the people were great though, and i had a good time with them.
as some of you know, i'm currently in school finishing my bachelor's degree in business information systems. i'll be done this summer, and then i have a decision to make. this program can transition directly into an MBA program through the university. i'm thinking that adding an MBA to the technical undergrad degree, along with my 8 years of network adminstration experience puts me in a good position for the future. i'm not looking for a job - in fact, i love the one i have. but even in terms of advancing within the company. i'd like to move into a managerial position eventually, and it seems that the MBA could be beneficial in that regard. plus, i know if i don't start it immediately after finishing my BS degree, i'll probably never go back and do it. i realize that having an MBA isn't what it used to be years ago, but i figured it's still worth something. what do you guys think? is it worth another 2 years? any insight would be appreciated!


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